Monthly Archives: April 2009

A Tree Frog In My Garden!

We have a new resident in our garden!  We found him living in the Louisiana Iris.  His official name is Hyla cinerea.  It’s hard to tell in this photo, but he is about 2 inches long. This frogs natural habitat is “wet or moist areas such as swamps, lake sides, and the edges of streams. […]


Louisiana Iris

Louisiana Irises are actually a collection of beardless water irises that encompasses five species: Iris hexagona, Iris fulva, Iris brevicaulis, Iris giganticaerulea, Iris nelsonii. They are found naturally in most southern states and even as far north as Ohio.  I don’t know exactly which species this is, but I suspect it is the Iris hexagona, […]


Blueberry Ridge Farm

Blueberry Ridge Farm is another one of the vendors that we met at the Plano “Live Green Expo.”  Jerry and Jill Graves were so sweet to hang around and talk with us even though it was time to pack up and head home. Blueberries are something that John and I have tried to grow several […]


Is thirty too many?

Well, since it is mid-April and I still haven’t managed to prune all the roses, perhaps thirty is too many.  I know that, ideally, roses should be pruned around Valentines while they are dormant.  But, hey, mine don’t even go dormant! I also know that you are not supposed to prune while the roses are […]


Roses in the Southern Garden

Texas is great for growing roses!  You just have to pick the right roses.  Thoses delicate and fincky tea roses are better left to the North. I love this book!  It was written by Michael Shoup of The Antique Rose Emporium in Brenham, Texas.  It appears to be out of print now, but if you […]


Traviata Rose

This is the Traviata rose.  This is another one of the roses that I have gotten from my “Texas Garden Fairies” friend Dita.  It is an absolutely gorgeous large flowered hybrid tea rose with a strong fruity smell.  It does, however, come equipped with some wicked thorns!  That is why it is at the very […]


As you grow a garden…

“As you grow a garden, it grows you.”  – Betts Wodehouse



Every year around this time, we release ladybugs.  This year, we were having a hard time finding them.  Everywhere we went had just sold out. But we finally found some at the Elliot’s Hardware booth at the Living Green Expo in Plano.  I really could have used them a few weeks earlier, but hopefully my […]


Rife Vineyards

Rife Vineyards had one of  the booths we were able to visit at the Plano Live Green Expo.  They are a completely organic vineyard right here in Texas!  Evidently, they are the only one in Texas – other than our very own grapes pictured here.  I’m so excited to find them because until now, I […]


“Up With Trees”

I went to high school in a suburb of Tulsa – yes, Tulsa is big enough to have several suburbs.  We still get back there a couple of times a year.  They have a non-profit organization there that has been promoting the preservation of Tulsa’s urban forests since 1976.  There are signs everywhere that say […]
