Scepter’d Isle

Posted by on May 19, 2009 at 5:32 pm.
Scepter’d Isle

Scepter’d Isle

This is another David Austin rose that was introduced in 1996.  We actually got this one for Samantha for her third birthday.  Now, before you think we are awful parents for getting her a rose instead of toys, just know that she picked it out and really wanted it at the time.

The Scepter’d Isle makes a gorgeous shrub that is very disease resistant.  Ours is by the grapevines and Samantha’s garden.  It is about 5 foot by 5 foot and is loaded with big pink blossoms in the spring that, to me, have the strong scent of baby powder.  It has a big flush of flowers in the spring and then just keeps putting them out about a dozen at a time until another big flush in the fall.

The name comes from Shakespeare’s play “Richard II” amd was named for the organization “Council for the Protection of Rural England”.

-- Weather When Posted --

  • Temperature: 81°F;
  • Humidity: 27%;
  • Heat Index: 81°F;
  • Wind Chill: 81°F;
  • Pressure: 30.15 in.;


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