Category Archives: Roses

“Tuscan Sun” Rose

Tuscan Sun

Tuscan Sun

This is the Tuscan Sun rose.  I can’t remember for sure, but I think I ordered it from Jackson and Perkins.  It is a floribunda with a mild, spicy fragrance and it will bloom all season long.  It has a small problem with black spot in my garden.  (In fact, I need to go spray it now with a baking soda solution because I’m beginning to see just a bit of black spot starting).  But this rose is well worth a little extra effort.  I love this rose!


French Lace

French Lace Rose

French Lace Rose

This is another rose that was started by cutting  I got from a friend.  It is a cluster-flowered floribunda bush about 3′ tall.  It has a large flush of blooms in the spring and fall with a few blooms in between.  It has a light spicy scent.


Hermosa Rose



This is a rose that I got from a friend, Dita.  It was started from a cutting and this picture is from it’s very first year.  It has a very sweet smell and a nice compact shape.  It is another very healthy and happy rose in my garden.

The Hermosa is a China rose.  It was introduced in France prior to 1837.  It has an ARS (American Rose Society) rating of 7.9, which is good.


Souvenir De St. Anne’s Rose

Souvenir De St. Anne's Rose

This is an incredible smelling rose.

This is an incredibly fragrant rose. We have it in a bed near the front door and even though it has shade most of the day, it is doing very well.

St. Anne’s is a Bourbon rose that was introduced in 1950.
