Title: Calloway’s Nursery Perennial Swap
Location: Calloway’s stores 4940 S. Cooper Arlington, Texas 76017. (817) 465‐2838 423 East FM 3040 Lewisville, Texas 75067. (972) 315‐3133 Cornelius store 1200 N. Dairy Ashford Houston, Texas 77079 (281) 493‐0550
Link out: Click here
Description: Exchange free plants and visit with local gardeners. Long‐time
gardeners instinctively like to share. And new gardeners love to
soak in the advice and guidance of experienced gardeners. That’s
why Calloway’s Nursery and Cornelius Nursery is excited to sponsor
the Perennial Swap! Bring extra plants and trade for what you’d
like and need. The event is free and open to the public.
The meaning of neighborly get‐togethers! Trade snippings,
seedlings and rootings. It’s fun and saves you money for varieties
you’ve wanted.
Start Time: 12:00
Date: 2009-04-04
End Time: 14:00
I just stopped by since I didn’t have anything left potted up (I was looking for some other things anyway). I ran into some friends who I haven’t seen for a very long time but who have helped to build my garden. It was so great catching up with some Texas Garden Fairies! And I still managed to bring a few things home.