Live Green Expo

Posted by on April 21, 2009 at 1:23 pm.

What a fun time we had!  The original plan was to get out there early and spend the whole day, but with back aches and headaches and a few other chores, we only managed to get there around 3:30PM.  That’s not much time considering that it only ran from 9:00Am to 5:00PM.  We hadn’t been able to find an actual schedule of events, so we had no idea what would be happening when we got there, but as luck would have it, I was able to see (and meet) the two that I had most wanted to see – Ed Begley, Jr. and Howard Garret.

We caught just the tail end of Howard Garret’s (The Dirt Doctor) talk during the question and answer portion,  but we were able to go back to his booth later and chat with him.  If you haven’t heard his radio show or checked out his website, I urge you to do so.  I wish now that I had brought one of my books to have him sign.  Oh well, I couldn’t even remember to bring my camera.

Ed Begley, Jr. (Living With Ed) was speaking in a panel setting along with Chris Miles (GreenCraft Builders), Paul Westbrook ( and Robert Smouse (I wish I could remember what organization he was with).  They were all great.  I would love to go tour the Collyville Eco House built by GreenCraft or Paul Westbooks house in Fairview, Texas.  The take home message was that, yes, you can do things to make a difference.  Start small with what you can afford and that will lead you to bigger and better things.  Start with insulation and light bulbs. There are other great tips for new and existing houses at their links.

The rest of our time was spent going around to different booths and meeting other local organic producers and vendors.  There was a beautiful booth set with with material made out of recycled glass for counter tops and flooring – Enviroglas.  I want some!

We also picked up some lady bugs at the Elliot’s Hardware booth to bring home and release in our garden.  And Samantha had a ball making a mask out of a milk jug, butterflies of all sorts and a paper bead necklace.

I will have to go through my stack of cards and pamphlets later to remember who all else we met and post another article later.

You know, with a name like “Flower Mound,” we really shouldn’t let Plano steal the “green” title.  It’s in our name – so why aren’t we doing it?  Hmmm….


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