Well, since it is mid-April and I still haven’t managed to prune all the roses, perhaps thirty is too many. I know that, ideally, roses should be pruned around Valentines while they are dormant. But, hey, mine don’t even go dormant!
I also know that you are not supposed to prune while the roses are in full bloom, but if I didn’t prune the Belinda’s Dream while it is in full bloom, it just might commit suicide. Look at what I got off of it and this wasn’t even all that I took off not to mention what I left on the bush. The blooms are so heavy that they were dragging on the ground.
I managed to get six more roses pruned yesterday and I think I only have two more to go. And then it may be time to start over? Maybe I should start in January next year?
If you want to know more about pruning roses, you can check here.
Ahh, a bucket of roses, how pretty 🙂
Did I ever tell you I once cleared my garden (in an old house of ours) of about 50 rosebushes! It would’ve broken your heart – but it was a tiny cottage garden and the kids couldn’t move without getting stung or prickled! Sorry!!
No apologies needed. There was a time when I wasn’t really that into roses. I guess you could say that they have grown on me.
But you do need room to move around, don’t you? And having room for kids takes priority. I’m lucky in that I have room for both!